Bathroom school presents.... pop down wastes

By Alex

Plug and wastes for basins and baths are available in many different configurations with different advantages and disadvantages. There are the pop-ups that have become the most popular choice due to their sleek look and competitive pricing, there are two piece plug and wastes that also remain popular, and there are pop-down wastes that are quickly becoming the go-to choice for astute builders and DIYers.

What is a pop-down waste?

Essentially it’s all in the name. It pops down below the level of the basins surface. So when the plug is open allowing water to drain, the centre plug is flush with the waste and basin which means it looks great when in the position that most people would keep it in.

What is the major advantage?

The biggest advantage is for use with baths. Because the pop-down plug and waste has a removeable cartridge it can easily be unblocked or repaired. Ours also come with a lifetime warranty. Many other wastes require access from underneath to repair and this is not possible with most bath installations. In Victoria it is actually a requirement not to use older style pop-ups for baths.

Is there a disadvantage?

Yes, pop-down plug and wastes are more expensive because they are not produced in the large quantities that other plug and wastes are and there is not as much price competition. You can expect to pay around double the price for pop-down wastes. However, in the grand scheme of a bathroom renovation it will make barely any difference to the total cost, and may save you money in the long run.

So what is the verdict?

We definitely recommend pop-down wastes for use in baths. For basins it’s not as critical although they do look good. We supply them in 13 different standard finishes including chrome, black, and gold. We also offer around 40 custom finishes including brass, bronze, and copper.

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