Bathroom school presents... Sensor tapware

All about sensor tapware

By Nancy

Sensor tapware is clever and modern specialty tapware that allows the user a touch free washing experience.

An infrared sensor picks up the users hands when they are under the tap. The sensor activates a solenoid valve and water begins to flow. Some models have factory settings while others allow the plumber to set the sensor range at the time of installation.

Sensor taps are powered so will require either mains or battery power.

Sensor taps can be wall mounted or basin/bench mounted and come in a wide variety of styles and finishes to suit any home bathroom or commercial setting.

Benefits of sensor tapware


The biggest and most obvious benefit of sensor tapware is that they are more hygienic.  

Taps are a high touch surface. By eliminating the need to physically touch the surface of the tap, the risk of grime and bacteria being transferred from surface to person (or person to surface) is minimised.

Some sensor taps also have a self clean function, where the inside of the spout is automatically rinsed out after a set period of time.

Less touching means less cleaning!

Water saving

Sensor taps provide the perfect balance of hot and cold water at a pre set flow rate. They usually contain an aerator, which results in a more effective wash with less water.

Sensor taps remove ‘user error’, that is, water waste from;

o   Waiting for hot water to flow

o   Fiddling with the taps for the ideal temperature

o   Excess splashing from turning the taps/mixer too far

o   Taps being kept on when the user is reaching for soap or lathering hands

o   Taps not turned off properly, or

o   Taps being accidentally left on 

Sensor taps are set to turn off automatically after the user removes their hands, thereby eliminating water waste from someone forgetting to turn the tap off. The solenoid valve automatically shuts off the water completely and prevents drips.


A dripping tap can waste anywhere from 300ml to 1 litre of water every hour!



Sensor taps are intuitive and easy to use. They cater to users with dexterity or mobility difficulties because the user does not have to manually operate the taps.


Sensor taps in a commercial setting

Sensor taps are modern and provide an intuitive hands-free washing experience for the user.

Customers associate them with cleanliness and enjoy the streamlined aesthetics of a sensor tap. Sensor taps offer peace of mind because clients know they do not have to touch an object that a stranger has recently touched.

In commercial workplaces, sensor taps allow for efficient and water saving hand washing.


One study showed that a small office of just 7 people could save over 12300 litres of water a year from installing automatic taps in their bathrooms.